AGR Events

AGR Helps Spring Farming and Wins CCTV1 Show Time

2020-04-14 11:00:03

The more you face risk challenges, the more you must stabilize agriculture, and the more you must ensure the safety of food and important non-staple food. At present, it is necessary to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control as well as spring ploughing and spring sowing.

The weather is getting warmer and the spring is thicker. The agricultural production in various places shows a strong scientific and technological model. The unmanned plant protection machine sows and mechanizes the seedling raising. The use of digital methods for spring cultivation prepares the land for easy and efficient field management.

More and more people choose "machine generation" to prepare for spring farming. Recently, the cooperative in Hangzhou ordered two drones. In order not to delay the use of spring farming, customers chose to let us deliver to the door. Professionals taught customers to assemble drones. After assembling, comprehensively test all aspects of UAV performance, explain common problems and solutions, so that customers have no worries, seize the opportunity of spring ploughing, and launch a spring plough defense battle.