AGR Events

AGR Agriculture Drone Spring Plow Busy

2020-04-07 10:52:04

Spring returns to the earth, everything is recovering, a good season of the year, it is time for spring tillage and sowing. At this time in the past, the fields were lined up with people sowing seeds. This year, only a few sporadic figures were standing on the ground and controlling the remote control. , Direct the drone to sow seeds.

Shenghua You of Jinhua has contracted more than 700 acres of farmland and has basically mechanized the whole process of early rice planting. He used Qifei intelligent plant protection drones to sow seeds, which not only planted accurately, but also saved labor costs and improved planting efficiency.

Qifei intelligent plant protection drone planting saves time and effort, high efficiency, manual seeding a day's workload, the drone can be completed within half an hour, greatly improving the seeding efficiency, saving labor and time costs; manual seeding is inevitable There is the phenomenon of heavy spreading and missed spreading, the drone can always spread evenly after setting the parameters; after replacing the seeder, it can also be used for spraying and misting of the drone.

In recent years, with the development of drone plant protection technology becoming more mature, the popularization of purchase subsidy policies and the encouragement of government departments, most large grain growers like Sheng Gui have begun to "machine substitution", increasing Agricultural machinery and equipment investment, to achieve the transformation from human farming to machine farming.

As an agricultural technology company with a high sense of mission, Qifei Intelligence consciously shoulders the burden of promoting agricultural intelligence and is committed to making plant protection simpler, more efficient and safer.