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This "old man" Started a New Business with a Plant Protection Drone!

2020-04-03 09:31:14

Remember the news that a couple of 25 years of food planting experience we introduced last August finally used drones?

From scratch, veteran farmers enjoy the convenience of technology

Since the purchase of an A10 plant protection drone in August last year, the couple Gao Xingxing and Wu Shuizhen have realized the convenience of “owning their own planes and working on their own”. The farmland medicine team was reduced to the standard configuration of two people plus one machine.


The benefits of plant protection drones to farmers are not only that they can streamline service personnel, operate efficiently, and accelerate the process of "machine substitution" agricultural modernization, but also that they can generate income by serving surrounding farmers during the operation.


The Gao Caixing couple achieved the goal of applying medicine for more than 900 acres of farmland in the early stage to successively serve more than 3,000 acres of land for surrounding farmers.


"This year's aircraft operation may not be enough. Fight for this year to buy another A16 with a large load!"

As of May 13, 2019, Gao Caixing had operated more than 3,000 acres in the vicinity of Jiaxing, of which about 2,000 acres of land were served to other customers; more than a dozen farmers in the surrounding area provided efficient and convenient flight defense services.


Favorable policies drive surrounding farmers' dreams of plant protection drones


"I think it ’s not enough to use it. Good products must let everyone know that the time-saving and labor-saving agricultural tools need the old man to promote it!" It has promoted more farmers to invest in the use of plant protection drones.


Slowly, every time Gao Caixing sprayed medicine, he surrounded a group of people to see the "airplane fight medicine". Every time he landed, he very carefully "shouted" a part of the crowd. Every time he communicated with the farmers, except In addition to explaining the performance of the aircraft, the five words "safety is the most important" are the phrases he often accompanies.


The Qifei intelligent R & D team launched the Qifei flight control system which took three years from R & D to testing. It has rich hardware expansion interfaces and high-performance computing processing capabilities. It provides farmers with advanced multi-source information fusion and multi-strategy mixed motion algorithms. For precise, stable, intelligent and efficient operation experience.

From flying hand to "instructor", "old man" welcomes the first gorgeous turn


Under the leadership of Gao Caixing, some people in the village slowly began to accept plant protection drones, and led him to purchase Qifei plant protection drones.


"Buying a machine is only the first time, and more importantly, operating a plant protection drone!"


At this time, Gao Caixing is not only a "flying hand" serving farmers, but also a flight defense teacher who uses his own flight defense experience to tell little by little farmers.

Chen Xinrong was his first "apprentice". In April this year, he purchased a Qifei A16 plant protection drone. After graduating from Qifei College, he hurriedly flew to his field to spray pesticides.