AGR Events

The training of 100 agricultural drone operators in Zhejiang Province was successfully completed

2020-10-09 11:07:37

2020 Zhejiang Province New Farmer Agricultural Plant Protection Drone Training was successfully held in Jiufeng Vocational School in Wucheng District, Jinhua City!

The training of agricultural plant protection drone operators was sponsored by Zhejiang Agricultural and Rural Education and Training Station and Zhejiang Animal Husbandry and Agricultural Machinery Development Center, and undertaken by Jiufeng Vocational School in Wucheng District, Jinhua City. Qifei Intelligent Instructor Training.

The training lasted for 5 days, with a total of more than 100 trainees. The training targets were agricultural professional cooperatives, large agricultural machinery households, members of plant protection and flying prevention organizations, and other young people who are interested in agricultural plant protection.

The training is divided into two aspects: theory and practical operation. After the trainees have mastered the basic theoretical knowledge, the practical training will start. The trainees have basically mastered the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of plant protection drones. In the theoretical aspect, Qifei Intelligent will provide online lesson videos. In terms of operation, there will be related videos on the official website of Qifei Intelligent, which is convenient for students to learn on their own, better learn to use plant protection drones, and be a qualified plant protection drone operator.

Theory of training

Safety regulations, real-name certification, functional structure, operating experience


Module identification, disassembly and assembly of the whole machine, troubleshooting, maintenance skills

Safety training

Safety first, basic flight, functional training, simulation work

Reasoning, reviewing

Industry norms, medication safety, maintenance instructions, certification

Practice training, examination and verification

Pre-flight preparation, functional operation, fault repair, maintenance of the whole machine

The development of efficient and safe modern ecological agriculture is an important goal of agricultural modernization. Plant protection drones have high flying control efficiency, which not only saves manpower, but also saves pesticide usage and reduces resource costs; it also has good spray control effects, strong assault performance, not restricted by crop growth, avoiding pesticide poisoning, and wide adaptability. Highlight the advantages. Gradually, it has been fully recognized by more and more big growers, and the successful training of plant protection drone pilots indicates that it will lay a solid foundation for future agricultural development.

This training aims to further the safe and standard use of plant protection drones. Through the training of plant protection drone pilots, a group of new professional farmers with high comprehensive quality and strong production and operation capabilities will be created to better solve the current shortage of rural labor. , It can more effectively suppress crop diseases and insect pests, greatly increase crop yields, and speed up the modernization and intelligentization of agricultural plant protection.