AGR Events

The effect of AGR Q10 agriculture spreader drone on rice spreading

2020-06-17 11:03:45

Now that the wheat has been harvested, it is the season for rice planting. The traditional artificial seeding method has evolved from seeders and rice transplanters to the current drone seeding. We also took advantage of this opportunity to conduct a drone rice seeding experiment.

Traditional manual broadcasting has low efficiency and high cost. It requires a tool carrying more than 100 pounds to go down to the paddy field. The silt in the field is deep. People walk in the field very slowly and are easily tired.

Compared with manual broadcasting, machine broadcasting is more efficient and more uniform, but it is also easy to get stuck when the machinery enters the field.

Machine transplanting, the rice transplanter directly inserts rice seedlings into the paddy field, high efficiency, good effect, less weed growth, but the cost is relatively high

Drone spreading has low labor cost and very high efficiency. It takes only 10 minutes to complete the operation on 6 acres. Set the spraying amount, flying height, speed and other parameters on the App, mark the AB point to plan the route, and then start the automatic flying and spreading operation. The seeds are spread at even intervals, the emergence rate is higher, the root system will be more developed, and grow up. Lodging ability will also be stronger.

Qifei intelligent plant protection drone has been upgraded from spraying medicine to spraying, sowing and fertilizing. It has become a good assistant for the majority of farmers’ friends and large growers. It promotes intelligent and mechanized field management, making plant protection simpler, more efficient and more effective. Safety.