AGR Events

AGR fully resumes work, drone kills and suppresses viruses

2020-04-07 10:47:36

On February 18, Qifei Intelligence has been fully resumed. Faced with the epidemic situation, Qifei Intelligent grasped the prevention and control of killing and resuming production with one hand. The employees who have arrived have been actively engaged in work to ensure the normal operation of the company and allow the work plan for the new year to proceed in an orderly manner. Spring is in full bloom, full of enthusiasm, and in 2020, Qifei Smart will definitely win.

During the Spring Festival, the New Crown Pneumonia epidemic caught the hearts of the people of the whole country. General Secretary Xi Jinping made an important instruction to "run the race at the same time and fight against the disease, resolutely curb the spread of the epidemic and resolutely win the epidemic prevention and control. Countless medical workers resolutely went to the forefront of epidemic prevention and control. The prevention and control materials in various places were sent to the front line in a hurry.

Qifei Intelligent actively took advantage of the high efficiency of human-drug separation and spraying of drones, and assumed the responsibility for the elimination and epidemic prevention of the park. The drones completed the half-day workload of 4-5 staff in only half an hour With a wide coverage, strong safety and high efficiency, the killing process does not leave a dead end, and plays a positive role in winning the new crown pneumonia campaign.

The epidemic is merciless and there is love in the world. With the joint efforts of the people across the country, the prevention and control work has achieved positive results. The joint efforts of the whole people will definitely win this sniper war.

As a high-tech company specializing in agriculture, Qifei Intelligence firmly believes that technological innovation is the driving force for development. Whether it is the killing of this epidemic or the upcoming spring farming, Qifei Intelligence is always ready to dedicate its greatest energy.