AGR Events

Start Basketball Game

2020-04-03 09:38:41

Looking at the rain outside the window, the players' emotions slowly agitated, thinking that today's game is about to end. It was a pleasant surprise that the rain stopped for about an hour and the breeze blew.

The two teams participating in this competition are the blue team led by the company's general manager Zhong Yongsheng and the red team led by the research and development director Liu Chen.

The whistle sounded, the basketball spun up, and the players on both sides of the ball, dribbling, passing, and stealing lively and lively. As soon as the game started, there was already a taste of tense.

The blue team members ran around with a basketball, trying to find a breakout opportunity. Seeing that they could not break through immediately and passed to their teammates, the teammates were also super powerful. A tiger jumped and shot handsomely. After the basketball draws a beautiful arc in the air, it crashes. In the basket.

The red team did not want to be outdone, and quickly changed the field after grabbing a ball. The team members cooperated with each other to prevent the blue team. They hit the chance and hit the ball.


The tense atmosphere of the game makes people feel the passage of time. With the applause from the audience from time to time, the start of the intelligent basketball competition is about to end. After a fierce competition, the red team lost the blue team.